How can we bring back numerous holy monasteries and
t. Colman Mac Duagh looked beyond the present to the bright future which faith reveals, and gladly sacrificed the transient for the everlasting. His untiring patience, indomitable perseverance, and the willing and joyous spirit of endurance he displayed throughout his entire life commanded the admiration of all.
The Catholic Church always, and especially now during this time of trial, needs holy religious who will continue in the example set by the "Heroes of the Faith" such as the glorious St. Colman Mac Duagh. This fact was confirmed when in 1634 A.D. The Blessed Virgin under the title of Our Lady of Good Success appeared to the Franciscan Nun Venerable Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, in Quito, Ecuador. (This event is approved by Holy Mother Church., Click here for more information)
Our Lady solemnly spoke these words regarding the importance of holy monasteries and convents:
"Woe to the world should it lack monasteries and convents! Men do not comprehend their importance, for, if they understood, they would do all in their power to multiply them, because in them can be found the remedy for all physical and moral evils... No one on the face of the earth is aware whence comes the salvation of souls, the conversion of great sinners, the end of great scourges, the fertility of the land, the end of pestilence and wars, and the harmony between nations. All this is due to the prayers that rise up from monasteries and convents."
If you want to heed Our Lady of Good Success's words and understand the great graces Traditional Catholic monasteries and convents can bring to our world which is now seemingly on the edge of a precipice, I humbly ask you to recite the following prayer regularly:
O Most Mortified St. Colman, the mere mentioning of thy
holy name brings blessings a Hundredfold.
We humbly ask thy Powerful intercession for the restoration
and multiplication of holy Monasteries and Convents
and a return to Traditional Catholicism throughout all
of Ireland and Christendom. Amen.
Then say: 1 Pater (Our Father), 1 Ave (Hail Mary) 1 Gloria (Glory Be)
(Pater noster)
Pater noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur Nomen Tuum. Adveniat regnum Tuum, fiat voluntas Tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris, et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.
(Ave Maria)
Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum; Benedicta tu in mulieribus et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.
(Gloria Patri)
Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto, sicut erat in principio, et nunc et'semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
The Curé of Ars |
*Vocations for the True Church Attn: Mr. Hobson info@stgemma.com |
(Fr. Butler on the contempt of the world): "Happy is he, who is not of the world; but far more happy he who,
moreover, hears no news of it, knows not what passes in it. It is sufficient
for him to know there is a world to pray for, without any further information
about it; as the reformed Cistercians at la Trappe, who never hear
how it goes on, only pray for it, without any communication whatsoever
with it. How charming is the eulogium, which the Roman martyrology
gives to our holy princess, St. Editha, consecrated to God in a monastery
as soon as born into the world, that she 'rather never knew the world than
forsook it.' She passed through this life always an entire stranger to its
vanities and crosses, and to its sins and dangers." (Meditations And Discourses On The Sublime Truths And Important Duties Of Christianity, p. 316, 1840 A.D., Imprimatur)
*In conjuction with StGemma.com Web Productions the Catholic work ("Vocations for the True Church") was inaugurated August 9th, 2005 the Feast Day of St. John Baptist Maria Vianney (commonly known as the Curé of Ars)
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